THEY’RE HERE! The long days filled with sunshine. With the increased heat, it’s important to take care of yourself. Follow our four simple steps to not only survive but thrive in the summer heat.

ONE | Make a Plan

Whether you’re heading out to a long-awaited music festival, running a marathon, cheering from the sidelines, or soaking up some rays at the beach, your day will run smoothly with a plan in place.

Know where you’re headed, your estimated travel time, schedule in food and water breaks. Simple. Easy. Stress-free.

When you arrive at your festival or event choose a central location as a meeting point – you’ll thank us for this if you lose your friends and cell service is sparse.

Bring SNACKS and eat them.

TWO | Drink LOTS of Water

August is going to be HOT – you’re going to sweat to help regulate your body temperature releasing your stored water supply. If you don’t drink extra to replenish this, you run the risk of dehydration.

Now, this might sound redundant, but REMEMBER TO DRINK LOTS OF WATER! It’s important.

With one event after another this summer, you’ll likely partake in some alcohol consumption. As you may or may not know, alcohol dehydrates you, so try to alternate those Hey Yall’s with some water – or vodka water works too… two birds, one stone.


Amidst all the excitement and commotion of the event, it can be easy to forget how long it’s been since you gave your body the essentials. This tracks back to your plan – schedule some time to sit, eat, relax and recharge so you make it through the day in one piece.


Lastly, but probably the most important rule of all, HAVE FUN! Summer only comes around once a year so enjoy it to its fullest potential. You’ve spent all year working hard – it’s time to play hard.